13TH PINS: Add a pin to your bag for GOOD CAUSE!

今年我們特別為13週年製作了4款襟章,希望在做好自己和愛自己的同時,也能啓發身邊的人一起享受”SELF-LOVE”!我們一共設計了四款襟章, 包括 “GIVE ME FIVE” , “HERE WE GLOW”, “DO IT FOR YOURSELF” 和 “GOOD NAILS GOOD MOOD”。不要忘記分享多點愛給自己及身邊每一位!
襟章售價: $80 一個; $280 一套(共4個)
是次產品的收益,我們將會捐出一半給非政府資助的慈善團體 - 風雨蘭。
*「風雨蘭」: 關注婦女性暴力協會為非政府資助的慈善團體,協助全港遭受性暴力的女性:https://rainlily.org.hk/chi/about
We have created 4 PINS to celebrate our 13TH Anniversary. They are “GIVE ME FIVE” , “HERE WE GLOW”, “DO IT FOR YOURSELF” and “GOOD NAILS GOOD MOOD”. We wish to remind people to love yourself more and spread it to others.
Price: $80 each; $280 a set (4 in total)
Besides, we will donate half of the profit to a non-government charitable organization - Rainlily hong kong.