Booking Policies

📍日常取消預約 / 預約更改時間. Change / Booking Cancellation
請於預約時間前6小時通知,逾時通知會視為取消, 將會自動收取是此預約項目的服務金額,恕不另行通知.
*套票會員專享:如需更改 / 重新安排預約時間/ 取消預約,請於4小時前通知我們
If you wish to reschedule or cancel your booking, please notify us at least 6 hours in advance to avoid a charge of the reserved service.
For less than 6 hours notice of cancellation or no show, full service fee will be charged.
*Members benefit, your cancellation window will be 4 hours
📍預約遲到 Late arrival
In order to protect the interests of every customers and to maintain our service quality, following arrangement is implemented:
For late arrival within 10 minutes: service may be shortened. Full service fee applied.
For late arrival more than 10 minutes: service may be cancelled. Full service fee applied.
📍失約 No Show
No shows of the scheduled booking may incur a full service charge of the reserved services without prior notice. Deposit will not be refunded.
📍到訪時取消其中一項美甲服務項目 Cancelling services upon arrival
如客人當日預約了兩項服務或以上 (例如已於預約的早一天確定了預約了手及腳部服務),到店時臨時取消其中一項服務,將會自動收取該次服務費用。
After confirming your booking, service fee will be applied if there's cancellation of either one services upon arrival.
📍客人健康狀況 Health condition
You are suggested to contact us immediately If you are unwell on the appointment date. If you are found having fever or other symptoms, such as severe cough, etc. We apologise that we will not be able to provide you the pre-booked service on the day. Service fee(s) applied and deposit will not be refunded.
📍店內遺失或損毁物品 Loss or Damage
We regret that we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to personal items. Please keep all valuables within your direct sight.
聯絡或預約協助 分店 ; For enquiries or assistance, please contact our branch here.